Monthly Archives: January 2014

The Universe Smiled.

Avas New Feet

Sweet Mahogany Brown
Baby Girl
Tantamount to all that is life
Testimony that all is right
With the world
and My heart
Because You breath
You sneeze
You feel, touch, taste and sound
Precious to all of Us
Hopeful and healing
We waited on
We prayed for You
And. You. Did. Come.
Not as the light to fill
All darknesses
but a light to be
Her very own beacon
of uncomplicated perfection
On this your born day,
We honor the grace of Your
Today, tomorrow to always
Dear Child
Yes, Alive. You. Came.
Blinking and breathing
Strongest heart of small hearts
Beating tangible life into the world
And the Universe

Rachelle M. Turple
Jan.20/14 9:30am

Inspired by my beautiful niece Ava born this day at 6:28am
Love You Forever & Always & Forever Again…


Filed under Poetry